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2015 Town Board Minutes > Town Board Meeting - October 27, 2015


October 27, 2015  Page 1 of 1


A special meeting of the Richfield Town Board for the purpose of working on fiscal year 2016 budget was held on Monday, October 26, 2015, at the Richfield Town Hall.  The meeting was called to order at 6:07 PM by Supervisor Enjem.  Other board members in attendance were Bond, Eckler, Palumbo, and Snyder.


Board member Palumbo reviewed a spreadsheet he prepared showing fund balances for the last five years.  Our fund balances have been increasing over the years and we should consider using some of those balances to make needed repairs to the town hall. 


There was a discussion about moving funds into reserve accounts; highway superintendent Kress suggested waiting until next year.  Money can be appropriated and moved then.  Palumbo suggested leaving the proposed budget the way it is.


Motion by Enjem, second by Bond to move the Tentative Budget without changes  to be the Preliminary Budget.  Before the vote was taken Eckler asked library board president Marmet if the town has an official request for the $ 6,000.00 for the library.  Marmet replied that it was e-mailed to the town. Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.


Motion to adjourn at 6:58 PM by Eckler, second by Snyder.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.





Monica Harris, Clerk


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