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2014 Town Board Meeting Minutes > Town Board Meeting - August 18, 2014



August 18, 2014 Page 1 of  3


The regular meeting of the Richfield Town Board was held on Monday, August 18, 2014, at the Richfield Town Hall.  The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Supervisor Enjem. Other board members in attendance were Eckler, Palumbo, and Snyder.  Board member Bond was absent.


Scott Olsen addressed the board on a proposed Verizon cell tower on Bargley Road.  He spoke to the Planning Board the week before with the same proposal.  The company will be asking for waivers for Section 9 the height of the tower and Section 24 (Liability Insurance).  The company will provide proof of insurance, but not a copy of the insurance policy; that information is proprietary.   Mr. Olsen asked for board input as to where balloons should be floated to measure visual impact.


Motion by Enjem, to pay claims.  The board discussed the voucher submitted by the court for the new post office box.  It will be held out until it is determined that the box is in the name of the town justice court, not an individual.  The supervisor will look into it.  Second by Palumbo on the condition that vouchers without three signatures will be reviewed.  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.

                                    A and B General                                 $  1,561.94

                                    DA Highway                                      $36,658.75

                                    DB Highway                                       $  8,145.44

                                    SL Street Lighting                              $       81.73

                                    TA Trust & Agency                            $     408.30

                                    H Wind Project                                   $     393.75


Supervisor Enjem wants the clerk to put statements he said were made by two board members at the July meeting into the minutes and also gave the clerk a written statement he wants in the minutes each month concerning the release of financial reports to the board.  The clerk will review the requests. Motion to approve minutes from the July 21st and August 11, 2014, meetings by Snyder, second by Palumbo.  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.


Lani King and Rod Sluyter reported on the proposed pavilion at Bakers Beach in memory of Wayne King.  Mr. Sluyter presented the board with a dimensional plan and 3D renderings and a plot plan showing the placement of the pavilion.  The proposed placement will allow users to overlook the swim area.  There is no intent for the town to pay the cost of the pavilion.  Mr. Sluyter will talk with Highway Superintendent Kress to determine the best appropriate placement, do a larger drawing for the board, and price out the materials for the project.


Highway Superintendent Kress reported that the tractor that was damaged earlier this summer has been repaired and roadsides are being mowed.  The money received from the insurance company for the tractor was deposited in the wrong account. Motion by Snyder, second by Eckler to transfer $9,274.95 from DB2683 (Self Insurance Recoveries) to DA2680 (Insurance Recoveries).  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.  Next week the highway



August 18, 2014 Page 2 of 3


department plans to oil and stone Richfield Hill, Purchase, and Jordan Roads.  Work is still being done to prepare Butternut Road for paving.  A complaint was received from a resident about the


transfer site closing early one Saturday, the resident was unable to leave trash.  Casella has been informed of the complaint.


The clerk reminded everyone that there will be a primary election for democrats only on
Tuesday, September 9, 2014, from noon to 9:00 PM at the Richfield Town Hall.  At the suggestion of the Comptroller’s Office, a copy of the Town Clerk’s Monthly Report received each month by the supervisor was provided for board members to see.


Dan Sullivan from the Planning Board discussed some of the Local law # 2 of 1999 options open to the town.  Motion by Enjem, second by Palumbo to set up a committee consisting of two town board members, two Planning Board members and one local resident to review the law that is now fifteen years old and recommend if changes may be appropriate in the fee structure or other sections of the law.  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.


Old Business


Supervisor Enjem has provide board members with a “Buildings, Unsafe” document to review and discuss next month.


The supervisor has no building estimates for the board at this time.

The board briefly discussed the beach release form.  Board member Palumbo suggested that since the beach season is almost over, leave it alone for now and work on it over the winter.


Motion by Palumbo, second by Snyder to table the FOIL payment issue for one more month.  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.


New Business


The supervisor distributed information from the Otsego County Conservation Corps regarding flood mitigation assistance and rural area revitalization  programs, etc.


Supervisor Enjem would like to send community organizations and churches a letter asking for volunteers to help seniors in the community unable to fix up their properties.  This help could be in the form of financial assistance and/or labor.  Board member Palumbo asked if it is his intention for the town to be the lead or plant the seed?  The supervisor said he can take charge of it.




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There will be a training session on government accounting if any board members are interested in attending.  MVEDD is holding luncheon in Mohawk on Friday, August 22, 2014.  It is a free luncheon if any board members are interested in attending.


Board members will review the Procurement Policy and make changes at the organizational meeting if changes are needed.


Motion  by Palumbo, second by Snyder that since the court now has a separate mailbox, the lock be changed on the town mailbox and two new keys be obtained, the clerk’s office will be in charge of getting the mail, Highway Superintendent Kress will be the backup.  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.   


Board member Palumbo asked if the old computer from the supervisor’s office is still here.  If so, board members would like to have it set up in the town hall to give them access to the copy of QuickBooks that the town uses.  The supervisor asked why board members need it, the financial reports they now receive are sufficient.


Motion by Palumbo, second by Eckler and Snyder that the supervisor schedule a special board meeting and coordinate it with the parties that need to be present.  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.


Palumbo asked if the folder of all the monthly financial documents for the board meeting can be copied and one copy be kept in the clerk’s office or if someone from the court has the office unlocked can board members go in to the office to access the file.  Enjem – yes, they can go in the office if the door is open.  A copy will not be made.


Motion by Eckler, second by Snyder that the board members receive an e-mailed copy of the agenda and the financial reports by the Thursday before the board meeting.  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – no.


Motion to adjourn at 8:17 PM by Enjem, second by Snyder.  Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.




Monica Harris, Clerk 

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                     Richfield Springs, New York  13439             Contact Town Court Justice
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